Cooking For One Quick Easy Dinners

Teriyaki Pork with Broccoli

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Cooking for yourself can be tough sometimes. When you get home at the end of a long day the last thing you want to do is cook. The same applies to a weeknight family dinner, there’s a lot going on in the early evening. So lets add healthy eating to the mix to make it more complicated. We need less processed foods, we need more fresh produce. One way to tackle this is to come up with meals that are easy to prep, easy to cook and easy to clean up after. No one talks about doing the dishes, but they still have to be done. There are only so many easy recipes to cook, and they can get boring if you keep cooking the same thing, so, it’s good to change things up a bit. An example of this is a couple of posts I have written about cooking chicken in the skillet, here, and here by changing the cut of chicken or the vegetables cooked the whole dish changes. But the dish is still easy to make and uses the same cooking foundation. This way you don’t have to try something completely new mid week. So in this post, I’ll take a go-to easy-to-make dish, and change it up, with pork. Teriyaki pork with broccoli.

Changing it up a bit

Going on the idea of changing up something simple to break up the monotony, this is an example. I have a teriyaki chicken with broccoli recipe, it’s a go-to for me. It’s delicious, very easy to put together, minimal mess equals minimal clean up. But, you can only cook this so many times before it becomes boring. So here I’ll change it up a bit. Sometimes change happens because of happenstance, and that is the case here. I had no chicken breast to make the teriyaki chicken with. However, I had some boneless pork chops, essentially tenderloin. Quite delicious. You should always be open to trying new combinations, yes, substituting pork for chicken is not that far out of the box, but baby steps. And teriyaki pork with broccoli is delicious

tenderloin pork chops
tenderloin pork chops

The marinade

Marinating usually requires a bit of time for the flavors to permeate the meat. By cutting the meat into thin strips the marinade will not need so much time to work. Because I wrote this post for the cooking for one section, the quantities are for one, double for two or triple for a family.

Working with my boneless pork chop, cut into thin slices, and then cut those thin slices into 1-1 1/2″ strips. Put the pork strips into a baggie and add 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce. Remove as much of the air from the bag as possible, manipulate to mix, put it on a plate and stick it in the fridge till needed. Raw meat, especially pork or chicken can make you sick, please read this post about the importance of cleaning up.

Everything else

Now for the rest of the ingredients. I like sweet onions, so half a sweet onion cut fine. 1/2 a bell pepper cut fine, the color doesn’t affect flavor, however, it does affect the look of the dish. Also, colored peppers are usually more expensive, so maybe your budget is green peppers, there are choices. As with everything I cook, a few cloves of garlic cut fine. Set the chopped veggies aside and sprinkle with a little salt and pepper. Now for the broccoli, a single head is good for this dish. Cut off the florets, just the ends, rinse off and put in the steamer, don’t turn on the heat yet. I have a steamer basket that just fits in the pot

Now for the rice, rinse 1/2 a cup of white rice. Set aside.

The process

Now everything is prepped and ready to cook. When cooking, timing is everything, the idea is to have everything ready at the same time. The rice will control the cooking process, it will take 15 mins to cook and 5 mins to rest before serving. Put up 1 cup of water up to boil, when boiling, add the rice, turn to low and cover, set a timer for 15 mins.

The pork and vegetables will take about 15 mins to cook, the broccoli will take 10 mins to cook and needs to sit with the pork for 5 mins. So based on this, when the timer says 10 mins, add the vegetables and pork to a warm pan with a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat, stir to mix and cover. Put the heat under the broccoli to high. Stir the pork and vegetables occasionally to mix. When the timer goes off, take the rice off the heat, leave covered, add the broccoli to the pork and vegetables, mix well, turn down to low. Wait 5 mins. Now fluff the rice, and plate the rice and the teriyaki pork and broccoli.

That’s it, a simple, delicious, healthy dish that’s really easy to put together. Thank you for reading, and enjoy your meal

Teriyaki Pork with Broccoli

Course: MainDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Here is a quick easy to prep, cook and clean dinner. Teriyaki pork with broccoli is a healthy, tasty week night dinner


  • 1 Tenderloin Pork Chop

  • 1/2 Sweet Pepper, chopped fine

  • 1/2 Sweet Onion, chopped fine

  • 2 Cloves Garlic, chopped fine

  • 1/2 Cup White Rice, rinsed

  • 1 Head of Broccoli, florets rinsed and cleaned

  • Salt and Pepper to taste

  • 2 Tablespoons Teriyaki sauce

  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil


  • Cut pork chop into thin slices, and then cut those thin slices into 1-1 1/2″ strips. Put the pork strips into a baggie and add 2 tablespoons of teriyaki sauce. Remove as much of the air from the bag as possible, manipulate to mix, put it on a plate and stick it in the fridge till needed
  • Put the broccoli florets in the steamer, don’t turn on the heat yet.
  • When the timer says 10 mins, add the vegetables and pork to a warm pan with a tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat, stir to mix and cover. Put the heat under the broccoli to high. Stir the pork and vegetables occasionally.
  • When the timer goes off, take the rice off the heat, leave covered, add the broccoli to the pork and vegetables, mix well, turn down to low. Wait 5 mins. Now fluff the rice, and plate the rice and the teriyaki pork and broccoli.

Recipe Video

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