Italian Cuisine

Ham and Cheese Stuffed Eggplant

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I’m kind of new to eggplant, then I got hooked, it’s good and healthy. A very versatile ingredient that can be cooked in many different ways. It’s also easy to prepare, bake it or sauté it. The star of the show or as a side In this particular case, I get home from work, and, in my fridge is a beautiful eggplant, gotta have that. Rummaging around I also found some leftover deli meat and cheese. A plan is coming together. Ham and cheese stuffed eggplant, delicious.

Assorted Eggplant
Assorted Eggplant

Eggplant, as we know it here, Mum used to call it Aubergine, as it is called in Europe. Most of us consider it a vegetable, however it is actually, well, botanically speaking, a berry. Interestingly, related to the chili, tomato and potato. Similarly to the tomato, it’s seeds and skin are usually eaten, and, similarly to a potato, it is cooked first. Unlike the chili, it does not have a kick. Although not flavorful by itself, it absorbs the flavors around it, making it very versatile.

I do have another eggplant recipe on the blog. Baked eggplant casserole, it is absolutely delicious, however, a lot of work to make. I want to do something a little easier here. And, this is about as easy as I could get. I’m cooking just one eggplant as a side, however, a larger portion could be made as a light meal. Firstly, wash the eggplant, because safe food prep is important. Slice lengthwise into 1/2 inch thick slices.

Because I like to prep everything ahead of time. Grab some tomatoes and cut into thin slices. I like to use vine tomatoes, they’re sweet, having a thick tasty flesh, and cook well. When it comes to slicing tomatoes, don’t believe the infomercials, you don’t need a bonsai knife. Actually, a bread knife is all you need, perfect slices every time. Cut thin so they will cook. the other ingredients are pre-sliced.

Rub a little olive oil on the eggplant slices and sprinkle with kosher salt and coarse ground pepper. Starting at one end of the tray, lay a slice of eggplant, on top, lay a lice of ham, a couple of slices of tomato, a slice of cheese. Now for the seasoning, oregano, obviously, but also, fresh basil leaf if you have. They have fresh basil plants at my local store, it’s worth getting one, fresh basil is a game changer. Now lay another slice of eggplant lengthwise half over the first, and top as the first. Continue with this, the last slice will be an end slice, the skin up without any topping

Basil Leaves in a Bowl
Basil Leaves in a Bowl

This goes in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 mins to 1 hr depending on your oven. During this time everything the eggplant will soften, the cheese will melt and the flavors will mingle into gooey deliciousness. As with anything cheesy, allow some time to cool a bit, and the cheese to set a bit before serving. Transfer the whole thing, paper and all to a chopping board, cut into appropriate size pieces and serve

Enjoy your ham and cheese stuffed eggplant and thank you for reading

Ham and Cheese Stuffed Eggplant

Course: Snack, SideCuisine: ItalianDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Ham and cheese stuffed eggplant, what a wonderful way to take an already versatile ingredient to a new level of delicious


  • 1 Eggplant, cut into slices lengthwise approx, 1/4 inch thick

  • 4 Slices of Deli Ham

  • 4 Slices of Deli Provalone

  • Fresh Tomato, thinly sliced

  • Kosher Salt and Coarse Ground Pepper to taste

  • Oregano, to taste

  • Fresh Basil Leaves


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees, Wash the eggplant and cut lengthwise into 1/2 inch thick slices, rub with some oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Starting at one end of a baking pan, lay down 1 slice, put on that ham slice, cheese slice and a couple of slices of tomato, some basil and oregano. Now, lay another slice, half cover the first, and top the same. Continue till all the slices are done. laying an edge slice skin up as the last slice. Place in the oven and cook approximately 1 hr
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