Mastering Fish Escabeche: A Step-by-Step Guide
Category: Latin Cuisine
Discover the versatility of easy meat sauce for meals.
Moqueca, Brazilian Fish Stew
I was at a friends house, and as usual, the conversation turned to food. He and his wife are originally from Brazil, and the food they eat is heavily influenced by their heritage. One of his favorite dishes is Moqueca, Brazilian fish stew. But cooked in a traditional style from the Brazilian state of Espirito…
OK, well, the correct name for this dish is Racambole de carne moida, and the correct translation is ground meat roll, and, it is a traditional Brazilian dish. I’m a foodie, and so I love food, and, as of this posting I have about 180 posts on my blog. I have cooked each and every…
Sometimes when I’m walking through the grocery store, ideas for something to cook just come to me. A particular item may be on sale, or may just spark an idea. This is the case here, I just needed a couple of things, but at the same time I was wondering what to have for dinner.…
There’s always leftovers. That’s why Tupperware is so popular. But, what to do with them is always a good question. Just reheating the same thing gets boring. Repurpose, is the answer. In this case, turkey leftovers. My flaky creamy leftover pot pie is delicious. Some people, like open face sandwiches. Well, I’m going to keep…
I’m a foodie, I love all types of food, However, I have come to appreciate peasant food. Peasant food is cheap food. This is the case with Mondongo. A stew made from tripe, pork shoulder and beans. The pork shoulder is cheap cut of meat, and, the tripe is offal, and, that’s a hard sell…
Living in South Florida I am spoiled by the amount of fresh produce available. Adding to that, there is so much Caribbean and South American influence. It’s no secret that fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy, and here, there is a tremendous choice. So, when a friend gave me a fresh avocado from their yard,…
Most cultures have a basic dish that goes with just about anything they make. In Latin cuisine, it’s black beans, they pair with everything. Because of it’s popularity, there are so many different ways to prepare it. And, pouring a can of beans into a pot and heating them up is not one of them.…
When a perfectly cooked cut of meat is placed on a plate, it is surrounded by delicious juices. Now the science here is that these are made up of a lot of different things; water, fat, connective tissue that has become gelatinous, a protein called Myoglobin (it helps the oxygen in the blood get into…